Midnight Oil

[Powderworks] tommy emmanuel = chet atkins

LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au LLOYD_Ian@canon.com.au
Tue, 25 Jun 2002 11:14:38 +1000

Tommy & Phil both state Chet Atkins as their inspirations, so it's not surprising that you should
state that!

IAN LLOYD - National Sales Admin. Team Leader
CANON - Business Imaging Solutions Group
Level 2, 1 Thomas Holt Drive, North Ryde 2113
PH: (02) 9805 2384
FAX: 1800 352227
E-MAIL: lloyd_ian@canon.com.au

                    <fluwdot@earthlink.net>        To:     <powderworks@cs.colorado.edu>             
                    Sent by:                       cc:                                               
                    powderworks-admin@cs.co        Subject:     [Powderworks] tommy emmanuel = chet  
                    lorado.edu                     atkins                                            
                    25/06/2002 10:55 AM                                                              

tommy is very good indeed but credit creation of the two songs at once and supple fingerpicking  to
chet atkins.
chet invented the two songs at once as well as refined the merle "travis picking" technique to be
his own in the 1940's, for those who don't know. chet is now dead, 2001 and is considered one of the
top five most influential guitarists to live so far. also a little oil trivia...jim and martin both
have and use "chet atkin's country gentleman" model guitars.
